Enjoy! Magazine autumn/winter 2013

This is the second edition of a colourful culinary publication, Enjoy! We hope that you’ll put your Big Green Egg to optimal use, as you enjoy yourself preparing these delicious autumn and winter dishes. Even in these seasons, you can get the most out of what your EGG® offers. The insulated, top-class ceramics prevent external temperatures from having an impact on the heat within the Big Green Egg. Even at temperatures of well below zero, you can maintain and control your EGG’s temperature to an accuracy of one degree between 70°C and 350°C, making it possible to continue to enjoy the most amazing dishes all year round. Highly economic lump charcoal use, perfect heat distribution and the subtle flavours brought out in the ingredients and dishes you cook put the Big Green Egg into a league of its own.

Cover Enjoy! Magazine autumn/winter 2013

What can you expect in this edition of Enjoy! Magazine? To begin with: everything about preparing game on the Big Green Egg, including recipes for haunch of wild boar, venison cutlets, hare, partridge, and rendered chicken or goose fat. Not to mention: which wine do you serve with which type of game?

In ‘The Chef’s Region’, chef Bas Holten takes us to the French region of Périgord. He explains everything about the delicious products available there and shares three delicious recipes. And of course, this edition of Enjoy! Magazine features a seasonal menu, easy-to-prepare meals and much more inspiration for cooking on the Big Green Egg. Enjoy!

Read the Enjoy! Magazine



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