You may well have tried grilled lobster from the Big Green Egg. However, there are also alternative ways of preparing lobster, with flavours that astonish. Other crustaceans and shellfish can also be deliciously prepared on the Big Green Egg. In this special, which is all about different cooking techniques, Big Green Egg expert Ralph de Kok shares three dishes featuring a variety of seafood.
Crustaceans and shellfish, deliciously healthy!
Strangely, crustaceans and shellfish, also known as fruits de mer, are often seen as summer delicacies. After all, it is wonderful to enjoy a grilled half lobster or a plate of seafood on a sun-drenched patio. That said, the assortment of available crustaceans and shellfish is largest in autumn. If you tailor your meals to the seasons, these treasures from the deep are always delicious, especially if you have prepared your seafood on the Big Green Egg.
In general, crustaceans and shellfish are mostly served boiled. They are delicious this way, but a great deal more variation could stand to be had and a Big Green Egg can provide surprising flavour accents. There is no reason to stay limited to a grilled half lobster, or a skewer of grilled prawns, or a scallop. Precisely the many different cooking techniques offered by the Big Green Egg make it extra interesting to put crustaceans and shellfish on the menu. A delicious and healthy choice!
Responsible dining
Crustaceans and shellfish are not simply full of flavour. Eating them is very much part of a balanced diet. Not everyone is aware that these fruits de mer offer the same health benefits as fish, which nutrition experts recommend we eat at least once a week.
Crustaceans and shellfish contain healthy unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and a great deal of vitamin B11 (folic acid), vitamin B12, vitamin E, phosphate, calcium and potassium. They are also easy to digest and contain little to no connective tissue.
Fresh seafood
However, crustaceans and shellfish are a relatively vulnerable group. When buying them, be sure to let yourself be guided by your senses. When purchasing lobster, buy a live one and remember that fresh shellfish will generally smell a little briny.
As soon as you notice something of a sour aroma or other unpleasant smells, you are better off not taking the risk. Broken shells are always reason enough to throw away the crustacean in question. Should you find an open shell while your shellfish are still raw, just tap it. If the shellfish is fresh, it will close immediately.
Handy accessories
The Perforated Cooking Grid is a great accessory to have when preparing smaller crustaceans or shellfish. It makes it easier to prepare prawns, langoustines and shellfish without them falling between the bars of the grid, and it is just the thing for grilling or smoking fruits de mer, which is a great way of preparing them. Or what about oysters or mussels au gratin, scallops prepared in the shell, or one of the following recipes by Ralph de Kok?
If you would still like to boil your shellfish, then you cannot go wrong by using the Cast Iron Dutch Oven and placing it on the grid of the EGG. If you leave the lid off of the Dutch Oven, your seafood will become infused with the great taste of the Big Green Egg!
Planning to prepare shellfish and crustaceans (fruits de mer) on the Big Green Egg? Give these 3 recipes a try!