Minimax Handles

Big Green Egg MiniMax Carrier handle
Are you the proud owner of a Big Green Egg MiniMax with EGG Carrier? Then we want to make sure that you have the right version. If you registered your MiniMax after purchase, you were automatically notified.
It turns out that an older generation of MiniMax Carrier Handles (delivery before 2017) does not meet our quality requirements. In rare cases there is a risk that the welding points of the Carrier are not strong enough to safely move your EGG. Of course we are very sorry about this and that is why we want to offer you the possibility to upgrade your handles. Because the quality has to be excellent.

Check your MiniMax Carrier handles
Did you buy your MiniMax before 2017? Contact our distributor via the contact form to make sure. As a precaution, we ask that you move your MiniMax only with extreme caution until you are certain that you are in possession of the new generation EGG handles. If this is not the case, you will be sent a set of new handles with the corresponding band for the EGG Carrier free of charge.
Check regularly whether all the bolts and nuts/nut caps you placed during the assembly are still tight. Tighten these, if necessary.
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